Scribes Unlimited
Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at
About Me
- Name: ScribesUnlimited
- Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States
Friday, May 27, 2005
The Religious Right has no sense of humor...
Well, you may as well have said Tom DeLay's grandmother was a whore on Main Street and 57th for the uproar it caused. "This manipulation of my name and trivialization of the sensitive issue of judicial security represents a reckless disregard for the suffering initiated by recent tragedies and a great disservice to public discourse," Mr. DeLay was quoted as saying. He also talked about NBC's hit show using a brazen attempt to "slur" his good name.
Well, folks, he probably doesn't have to worry too much about THAT. His name has been dragged through the grime and mud so many times, it's a wonder he still comes out sparkling clean. Or has he? In a rather interesting turn of events, a committee for Tom DeLay was charged with breaking election laws. So, we guess, when the heat is on, Mr. DeLay, do you whine and cry to the press about not being a bad person?
Of COURSE you do! :-) That's just the way it is with the right-wing extremists. Need we remind him of the rather bold and chilling statement he made when poor Terri Schiavo's circus performance was finally at an end? "The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior." He has since then pulled back a bit from this comment, saying that his words were taken out of context. Funny, shouldn't NBC deserve the same priviledge?
But then, dear readers, we're talking about the ultimate hypocrite. While DeLay raised his hands to the Christian sheep and vowed to fight for Terri Schiavo's right to live, because God would see it through, he neglected to point out the cruelly similar fate of his father, whom he had decided to pull the plug on in the 90's. Ooops. Guess he forgot about that, huh? Well, we suppose he's entitled...
He is, after all, an exterminator by trade.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
9/11 and the American Empire
This speech was given by David Ray Griffin at the University of Wisconsin on April 18, 2005, and it is worth listening to for an hour.
This man raises two plausible questions, and gives damning evidence of two very real scenarios that played out on 9/11.
First, that the Bush administration KNEW in advance all full details of the Al-Qaeda attacks, and let thousands of innocent people die to forward their imperialistic march towards world domination and call it a "war on terror".
And secondly, that the Bush Administration planned and orchestrated the attacks of 9/11 all on their own, in co-operation with Osama bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.
It's good to see people are starting to talk, coming forward with their convictions.
Bushies can nay-say and deny it to the rafters if they want to. They can call Bush the "chosen one". They can call it "God's will".
That is their right.
But we ARE going to find the truth eventually.
And why do we get the feeling they won't like it very much?
...the Scribes...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
And now for our "EH?" of the day!
The reason? The powers that be have decided that Americans will be traveling LESS this summer. Well, we might just be! This is exactly what they WANT. So we don't see or talk to our familes and friends and raise our levels of discontent. Traveling will require gasoline, we all know this. Of COURSE we're going to travel less this summer! With gas prices set to top off at $4.00 per gallon, who in their right minds WOULD be out and about?
Let's think about this a minute, shall we? First, over the past month, there have been several National Public holidays in China, Japan, Singapore, Europe, and obviously a few here in the Un-tied States. So gas prices supposedly went down, because less people were traveling and sticking around their homes to be with loved ones. (because supposedly people use less gasoline during a holiday, according to those idiots again.)
Gas prices are also predicted to rise because Alan Greenspan, who just doesn't know anything really, and relies on the "dazzle them with B.S. and confuse them with numbers" speeches, has been vague about everything, yet keeps a slightly cautious optimistic view leaning towards "I don't know". Other analysts like good old Barclay say the price will shoot up past $60 per barrel this summer, while Goldman Sachs is calling for $105.00 per barrel of oil this winter. Whew! You thought your heating bill was outrageous this last winter? Picture it tripled!
Now let's look at George W. Bush's take on the matter. He must have been partying a bit too hard with Rupert "Fox" Murdoch to believe his wild claim that "if ya attack Iraq, oil will drop to $20 a barrel forever, mate!" So maybe his idea is to bomb Iran next to try and get the price to drop again. We've already seen signs of unrest there; we've read reports of nuclear activities (although it's weird we're hearing about them NOW, isn't it?), so who knows? Maybe we're due for a September Storm and Iran will be next to fall.
But economists warn then that if this fantastically stupid scenario plays out, oil will actually spike even higher upwards, some say near $385 per barrel. Shudder to think about what that would mean. At least $12.00 per gallon of gas, possibly another Great Depression as numerous, uncountable jobs are lost and the stocks tank to nearly zero.
And let's make you worry just a little bit more. Let's say it's winter, you're freezing in your house, and you beg the bank manager for a loan to cover that astronomical heating bill.
With the new bankruptcy laws that have just been introduced through the banks, they have one answer for you. FORECLOSURE, baby! And they can take EVERYTHING now. Your car, your house, even garnish your wages. Because banks are hurting too, folks. Why do you think the bankruptcy laws were changed? Because too many people were asking for it, duh!
So, what's the point of all this? What are we really trying to say?
We need to stop depending on oil. Period. We need to essentially "rock the Casbah" as the Clash so adamantly stated back in the 80s. We need to stop cow-towing to the Arab sheiks who have us sucking at their oiled teats, because they already own 8% of our country, ladies and gentlemen. If the price of gas continues to go up, how much more begging are we going to have to do from OPEC? And at what price? :-(
"Okay, we'll drop the price of oil down to $20. In exchange, we get to ram a 747 jet into the Sears Tower..."
And Bush's response?
"Make it so..."
...The Scribes...
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Focus on your OWN Family...
Wasn't that a surprise... (yeah riiiight) We knew a compromise would be reached in the Senate and this whole "nuclear option" would blow right up in the face of Frist (or should we call him Fritz for Hitler's sake?)
What WAS the surprise was Dr. James Dobson (you know, the idiot who is timid of Spongebob Squarepants?) of Focus on the Family coming out rather vehemently and saying that the Republicans had stabbed him in the back. This is a man who obviously does NOT understand that politics is a game of GIVE and TAKE. His limited one-sided reactionary world view does not permit him the luxury of understanding.
Like so many fascists, he can only see HIS way. Apparently Focus on the Family is all about THEIR way. You know, we have no reservations about anyone wanting to care for thier families the way they want to, as long as their children grow up strong, healthy, well-educated and nourished with curiousity and creativity. We DO have a problem when these issues are literally force-fed down the mouths of every family in America.
It's good to see Dr. Dobson shoot his mouth off again, because now perhaps he'll lose all that precious funding from the right now. He claims the right stabbed him in the back; maybe they're going to. Of course, the right is rather self-righteous as always, perhaps they'll forgive the doctor his indiscretion and give him another chance. :-P
Who knows? As it stands now though, Dr. Dobson has only now proved that he is unwilling to accept any kind of compromise. THAT, our friends, doesn't sound very "religious" to us.
Monday, May 23, 2005
What's Wrong with this picture?
So does this mean that when they go out and rape 13 year old girls, they will be able to keep them from getting abortions if they happen to get pregnant? The Supreme Court will make certain that these children will have to have notification to get rid of the fetus of a sex offender or rapist.
Again, men, even criminals can get whatever they want, while that same medicaid won't pay to get rid of a baby, since a woman is carrying it.
No one like abortion. Its an invasive and emotionally draining procedure that is rife with issues and problems. But what is the alternative? Back alleys and dead children afraid to tell their parents? Its a scary thought.
Why can men control their own bodies? Why can't women? What are men so afraid of? That women might prove their equals and question their right to control the world?
But it is ok for perverts to get that viagra so that they can ensure their erections last and last and last
Did you ever wonder...?
But they're really NOT quite debates these days. It seems to us anyway that whenever we get into a political "discussion" with someone of the Bush camp, it's usually a mixture of intellectual conversation and nonsensical childish banter. Here, we've included an example...
Us: "We don't seem to understand why the Christian right has been able to make its political tirades nonstop without anyone pointing out the severity of the situation when it comes to legalities in the tax system. Clearly a religious organization that enters the political arena and actually denies people Communion, or kicks people out because of their sides, deserves to lose its tax-exempt status and pay like everyone else."
Them: "You need to grow up..."
Us: "Um, we're probably about the same age as a lot of you. What do you mean "grow up"? Surely you're not stating that our view is childish and immature, right?"
Them: "Up yours."
Us: "Brilliant repose. :P That probably took a while for you to formulate, huh? So you're clearly not denying religious organizations that partake in politics should be taxed, correct? Haven't heard you actually come out and debate this yet."
Them: "You're the devil's spawn."
Us: "Okay, now we're questioning your sanity at this point. Honestly, if we were the devil's spawn, we'd have destroyed this world long ago." :-) (Actually, if we WERE the devil's spawn, we'd be a right-wing, evangelical fundamentalist, no matter what the religion, but let's not go there! )
And another example just yesterday:
Us: "Why have we seen all kinds of video and TV footage of two planes smashing into the World Trade Center, and yet we've seen not one shred of viable, clear footage of Flight 77 smashing into the Pentagon? Why was all the video for the impact immediately confiscated from at least ten surveillance areas near the area? Why has the video never been released to the public?"
Them: "Grow up."
What is going on, people of the right-wing? Does it seem much easier for you to stick with the blue pill, to just trumpet "ignorance is bliss!" to the rafters, and calmly look the other way? Perhaps it IS easier. Perhaps knowing the truth would rock your mind completely loose from its moorings and send a great deal of this country into apopletic shock. Bellevue would have a waiting list a year long. Ford and GM would suddenly be contracted to produce a million white vans in a month. Alcoa and DuPont would be rolling out the padding for the cells in record time.
They're afraid. We all are. We're afraid because we just don't know. For millions of years, mankind has feared what it did not know. When the sun first rose off the horizon, surely a bunch of cavemen were scheming how to knock it down with a slingshot.
But you know what, America? We lost that fear, didn't we? We no longer fear the unknown; we embrace it, we explore it, we discover it.
As you're reading this, we hope you're continuing to embrace, explore and discover.
And we hope you're continuing to fight for whatever truth you so firmly believe in...
...The Scribes...
Sunday, May 15, 2005
A bit of downtime and a farewell to Singapore...
"Savvy Guide to Digital Photography" is a HIT. It was ranked 98,000th on yesterday, and it's probably not fallen off too much. We know we sold about 1500 copies so far, but about 800 came through pre-orders, and we're already getting glowing reviews! Not bad for only being out in stores 5 days, huh? ;-)
We're about to unleash a brilliant strategy that we hope is going to explode our investment brokering business at least 10-fold, and possibly 20. :-) We really enjoy doing this work; it's fun, it's easy, it's educational, and it sure is lucrative! Going to hold off a bit on the property and real estate stuff for a while. What we really would like to do is gather a lot more clients through our business and marketing writing but in the present economy, we're going to be hard-pressed to find people willing to pay the $100/hour fee we charge. :-( But we're still going to try to keep business plans, marketing plans and business valuation reports very affordable for everyone. We estimate that a good, solid business plan will only cost about $2500 or so. And that's WAY cheaper than what a lot of other people charge, believe us.
If you haven't checked out by now, this place is a free advertising gold mine! We landed several clients using their job services, and we were just amazed at the response we got. In less than an HOUR after we posted our first ad, we had a phone call regarding it. :-)
That's really all the news for now... Have a good Sunday!
Paula and Paul
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
We've been sick... :-(
It's a lot less fun when you're reduced to blogging political mumbo-jumbo, but here's a shocker right off the London Times. Naturally we never hear about this on CNN or even Faux News these days, right? :-P
88 Congress members seek answers on secret Iraq plan-- 5/10/2005 8:00:00 AM GMT
Eighty-eight members of Congress have signed a letter authored by Representative John Conyers which calls on President Bush to answer questions about a secret U.S.-UK agreement to attack Iraq.
In the letter, Conyers and other members say they are disappointed the mainstream media has not touched on the revelations.
"Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States was too busy with wall-to-wall coverage of a "runaway bride" to cover a bombshell report out of the British newspapers," Conyers writes. "The London Times reports that the British government and the United States government had secretly agreed to attack Iraq in 2002, before authorization was sought for such an attack in Congress, and had discussed creating pretextual justifications for doing so."
"The Times reports, based on a newly discovered document, that in 2002 British Prime Minister Tony Blair chaired a meeting in which he expressed his support for "regime change" through the use of force in Iraq and was warned by the nation's top lawyer that such an action would be illegal," he adds. "Blair also discussed the need for America to "create"
conditions to justify the war."
The members say they are seeking an inquiry.
"This should not be allowed to fall down the memory hole during wall-to-wall coverage of the Michael Jackson trial and a runaway bride," he remarks. "To prevent that from occurring, I am circulating the following letter among my House colleagues and asking them to sign on to it."
The letter reads:
May 5, 2005
The Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
We write because of troubling revelations in the Sunday London Times apparently confirming that the United States and Great Britain had secretly agreed to attack Iraq in the summer of 2002, well before the invasion and before you even sought Congressional authority to engage in military action. While various individuals have asserted this to be the case before, including Paul O'Neill, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, and Richard Clarke, a former National Security Council official, they have been previously dismissed by your Administration. However, when this story was divulged last weekend, Prime Minister Blair's representative claimed the document contained "nothing new." If the disclosure is accurate, it raises troubling new questions regarding the legal justifications for the war as well as the integrity of your own Administration.
The Sunday Times obtained a leaked document with the minutes of a secret meeting from highly placed sources inside the British Government. Among other things, the document revealed:
- Prime Minister Tony Blair chaired a July 2002 meeting, at which he discussed military options, having already committed himself to supporting President Bush's plans for invading Iraq.
- British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw acknowledged that the case for war was "thin" as "Saddam was not threatening his neighbours and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea, or Iran."
- A separate secret briefing for the meeting said that Britain and America had to "create" conditions to justify a war.
- A British official "reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
As a result of this recent disclosure, we would like to know the following:
1) Do you or anyone in your Administration dispute the accuracy of the leaked document?
2) Were arrangements being made, including the recruitment of allies, before you sought Congressional authorization go to war? Did you or anyone in your Administration obtain Britain's commitment to invade prior to this time?
3) Was there an effort to create an ultimatum about weapons inspectors in order to help with the justification for the war as the minutes indicate?
4) At what point in time did you and Prime Minister Blair first agree it was necessary to invade Iraq?
5) Was there a coordinated effort with the U.S. intelligence community and/or British officials to "fix" the intelligence and facts around the policy as the leaked document states?
We have of course known for some time that subsequent to the invasion there have been a variety of varying reasons proffered to justify the invasion, particularly since the time it became evident that weapons of mass destruction would not be found. This leaked document - essentially acknowledged by the Blair government - is the first confirmation that the rationales were shifting well before the invasion as well.
Given the importance of this matter, we would ask that you respond to this inquiry as promptly as possible.
Thank you.
(in other words, 'fess up, you oil-maggot.) :-)
Now, curiously, we'd like to see if this goes down the old memory hole, or maybe people like 60 Minutes will come a-calling. Maybe it's up to you, dear reader. Spread the word.
We're sick but not out...back soon!
Paula and Paul
The Scribes
Monday, May 02, 2005
Welcome to America!
Last night we welcomed a really nice, beautiful woman from Singapore. She's going to be staying about two weeks with us, and we're really excited to have her as our guest!
Jeers to New Jersey's airport in Newark, however, whose idiot workers made her miss her first flight to Cleveland. Not sure what these people were thinking. Our friend was sitting at the terminal awaiting her flight and no one was there to board them. So one of the employees said she could come back in a few minutes. Five minutes later, her flight was pulling away from Newark -- without her on it. Stupid airport. Too bad the terrorists didn't consider staking out there in 2001; they'd have had a regular field day. :-P
But she got here to Cleveland finally, about 90 minutes late. Where we watched a worker with a vacuum-cleaner run back and forth along a 15-foot x 3 foot rectangle of carpet for TWENTY MINUTES! Ah, it must pay to be thorough... Guess this carpet was REALLY important to her or something.
Paula and Paul
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Happy Greek Easter!
Wellllll, it's really pretty simple. The Orthodox church, which is the first of the churches, contrary to what those Catholics believe, follow the original rule of how to set Easter. Easter must be, MUST be, celebrated after the first full moon, after the Vernal Equinox, and after the start of the Jewish Passover. After all, the Last Supper was a seder, since Jesus Christ was never a Christian and always a Jew. He was IN Jerusalem to celebrate Passover and that's how it all began. The Western Christians, in their inimitable fashion, like to deny this. And this is why the Greek and Orthodox people celebrate it at the time they do.
Something you probably didn't know, huh? :-)
Let's see, what else is going on... Oh, terms of our log home deal will be finalized, hopefully, tomorrow. And that could mean our huge payday is coming up quickly. Time to start looking ahead to things like waterproofing the basement, painting the house, paying some long-overdue bills. Ah, the life of freelance writers, right? :-P
HEY! Our book should be out tomorrow, so keep your eyes open for it! We hope everyone loves it, and please do us the kind favor of talking about and discussing it, or reviewing it, on Amazon as soon as you have read it. We guarantee you, this is an entertaining book. :-)
Savvy Guide to Digital Photography coming soon!
That's all for now...take care, everyone!
Paula and Paul