Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Stop it Hillary

Stop it Hillary!

We are really disappointed at the way Senator Clinton has decided to use the Republican campaigners rule book to deal with her rival Senator Obama. We were excited that Senators Clinton and Obama were running for office. We knew it was a history making situation and we knew it was time – time for an African-American or a woman to be President. It is a heady thought and a welcome one. However this past week has really upset us.

Senator Clinton is behaving like any other old school candidate – she is swift boating a member of her own party in her aggressive, nasty “I deserve to be president – see what Bill did to me” style and it sickens us. We have had too many years of that sort of campaign and administration. W is a disaster and he is a mean petty little man who has limited understanding and no vision. He has run this country on fear and terror for so long, that we need a break. Yes it is a dangerous world out there – yes there are people trying to get us – yes there are people whose envy of us have caused them to hate us. We know, we understand, we GET IT.

Guess what? THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PEOPLE WHO HATE US AND WANT TO GET US. THE WORLD HAS ALWAYS BEEN DANGEROUS and we just have to realize that and get on with our lives. And that means – bring our vibrant youth back from a country we should have never invaded, focus our attention on Al Qaeda and get that job done, and most of all restore America’s hope and never ending optimism. Bush has destroyed that, along with everything else he has ever touched.

We need VISION, inspiration and belief – not the narrow, bigoted right wing fundamentalist belief’s that typify ultra conservative Christians, Muslims and others - to bring us together and work through our problems. We need Republicans to stop terrorizing us, and Hillary to stop undermining her own rival. We are better than that – and we thought that she was better than that too.

In 2000, after watching Bush cheat his way to the White House because the Democrats couldn’t get their act together and win decisively in any state, and Ralph “I don’t care I am a spoiler” Nader siphoned votes away, we heard someone say “So how bad could this guy be?’ and we all nodded in agreement. Well folks, we know how bad it can be – and with McCain, it will be another four years of the same or worse. Three terms of Bush is three terms too many.

So stop it Hillary! Stop trying to win at all costs – at the cost of the American people. Stop taking the low road and proving that you are the witch the Republicans are always saying you are. Take the high road – for the sake of this country. So what if you aren’t President. So what if you have to admit that you have no vision, no true hope for us. DON”T become a Republican shill, so that your win at all costs, costs the Democrats the election and you become responsible for destroying America. The downward spiral of America began with Ronald Reagan and your husband’s antics didn’t help stem it swirling down, please don’t be the person to put the plug in the drain after we are washed away in a stream of innuendo and John McCain.