Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Friday, April 29, 2005

Mission accomplished...

Well, why not? Everyone seems to get a kick out of saying that lately, especially when you consider what it meant two years ago. :-P

What WE mean though is that we closed our first deal yesterday, about 5:00 PM. Yes, it's the log home deal. Yay! We should be looking at a huge payoff in a few weeks or so. And we're already hard at work on the next project.

We're enjoying this part of our job; not as much writing involved, and we're helping people realize their dreams. It's a great feeling!

Incidentally if you have a project you need help to get off the ground, you know you can contact us. We're fair, and we're pretty kind and friendly folks. Plus we realize that your success is our success.

So we hope you'll consider us sometime. :-)

Did anyone else find it rather funny to see CBS, NBC and Fox cut off Bush's press conference about 5 minutes early? Let's see, guess the score is now Reality TV - 1, Bush - zero. :-) So Mark Brunett is really running this country, is that it? ;-)

We're looking at a new film deal that was just handed to us; more info on that later. Oh, something we wanted to mention about verbal agreements; get them in writing. You never know, a time could come where you are going to need to show proof of that agreement, and you'll feel so much more comfortable and safe to be able to produce a signed document to that effect.

Saturday morning at 10:30 AM, we're going to hear a broadcast on C-Span we think people would find VERY interesting about September 11th. We hope you tune in. Sibel Edmonds, where are you now!?

Don't forget about "Savvy Guide to Digital Photography", which SHOULD be just about ready to come out. We keep hearing about a May 2nd release, so keep us informed if you should see it out and about. :-)

What's your competitive edge in business? Get the facts on your major competition, study them carefully, and see what they do. Then when you write these companies and their information down, get a good idea as to how you can do something better, or faster, or easier. Weigh decisions on whether you want your business to compete on a financial level, or on a service or product level. What makes your business or service or product better than someone else's? A good rule is to come up with at least five if possible. Investors WANT to know who you're competing with, and they want to know HOW you'll compete favorably. :-)

That's all for now, have a good weekend, folks! :-)

Paula and Paul

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Me first, me first!

Let's take a look at Cleveland, Ohio, shall we? We live about 8 miles from the city, close enough to look down from a small hill and see the spire of the Terminal Tower. You'd never think this was the case, but there's about 40% unemployment down there.

Ah yes, we see the jaws dropping. We CAN'T be talking about CLEVELAND, can we?? "Bite your tongues, Paula and Paul, this can't be TRUE! Cleveland Ohio? The mistake on the lake??" :-)

40% unemployment, and yet it's encouraging to see that while the economy is rosier at least for us, and for our business, we're wondering something, and maybe we'll get some feedback on this.

If things were so GOOD for us in the beginning of 2000, before the whole mess we're in now, would we honestly see anything wrong with what is going on now? There is a mindset that people have adopted lately in this country, and it was so prevelant in the 1980s.

It's now every man (or woman) for him(her)self. Nothing personal, boys and girls, it's just time to jump off the ship with whatever you can take and sink or swim. Back to the jungle, as it were.

Yes, the "me first" mentality is back and it's stronger than ever. These are the people in society who apparently never plan to have children. :-) The whole idea of leaving behind a dirty, polluted earth for generations doesn't concern them. The thought that they could leave this world with a sodden, unbalanced and shaking structure of a country in their wake doesn't faze them. And this is further amazing when you realize the people saying all this now, are judiciously aiming towards the religious right.

Yeah, we seem to remember something in the Bible about God saying, "Oh, you can leave my world a bloody mess, no problem! Just make sure to keep those homos single!"

Hilarious, isn't it?

ANYWAY on to business... and sorry for the political rhetoric. :-)

We're working on a new business plan, but we've decided not to charge for it because we're that nice. :-) Besides, it's a great investment worth about $10 million (and frankly 2.5% of that as our fees sounds pretty sweet). We are not allowed to disclose anything so we keep a pretty tight lid on our prospects. But we're really enjoying this new-found business practice! We're learning so much more about organization, market control, analysis, and we are kicking at it. :)

We do however have a bone to pick with They charged us $25.00 for a table of contents to do a private placement memorandum. Yes, a table of contents. And the way it turned out, the sample they had online was almost totally complete, except for EIGHT WORDS. So we essentially paid $25.00 for 8 words. :P Soooooo... we decided to put a stop to THAT internet scheme once and for all. If you're interested in writing a private placement memo, talk to us first. A PPM is pretty much a business plan, but is more condensed and is usually reserved for businesses involving themselves in issuing stock.

Oh, and just in case you wanted to know what the contents are of a typical private placement memo, viola! Take a look! :-)

1. Securities Legends -- These are helpful little legal sentences that basically say that you are complying with proper rules and regulations set for by the Securities Act of 1933. You can find out more info on this from Hoover, or any legal consort to the SEC.

3. Suitability Standards for Investors -- What's it worth to the person funding you?

4. Summary Offering -- This is the basis for your PPM, what are you offering, price, how many, yadda yadda.

5. Risk Factors -- Well, you should tell your investors what the risk is, and what factors can determine the outcomes.

6. Capitalization -- What is your capital in the company?

7. Use of Proceeds -- if investors fund you, how will you spend the proceeds from the issue of stock?

8. Dilution -- A reduction in earnings per share of common stock that occurs through the issuance of additional shares or the conversion of convertible securities. That's the definition of it. :) Simply put, you're telling the investors should you offer more stock or convert stock, earnings per share go down. Duh. Most stocks do. :-)

9. Plan of Distribution -- Who's getting your stock? And how much?

10. Financial Data -- All those cool numbers that make you wish you aced Accounting

11. Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation -- This is explaining how good your business is going financially, if there are any operation problems to solve, etc.

12. The Business Summary -- This is like the executive summary in a normal business proposal.

13. Management and Compensation -- Who helps manage your company, and how do you pay them? And are you a cheapskate? :)

14. Transactions -- financial transactions between the company and its shareholders, officers, directors or affiliates

15. Principal Shareholders -- Who owns the most of the stock when it's all said and done.

16. Terms for Securities -- Legal matter that indicates everything to do with keeping, buying, selling, and converting those stocks

17. Description of Stock -- What you're offering, but expanded to encompass all sorts of questions your investors might have.

18. Tax -- What your stocks are going to feed to the IRS.

19. Legal -- The lawyers get involved!

20. Documents for Inspection -- Anything available to investors that back up everything you said in the PPM. :-)

22. Financial Statements -- Your company's money flow

23. Projections -- What do you think is going to happen to your company in the future? Good, bad, it doesn't matter. And make sure you add assumptions to back up those projections.

24. Exhibits -- Just anything concrete you think people would like to see that fully illustrate your PPM.

Okay class dismissed for now! :-) See you soon!

Paula and Paul

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Paula's views for the day...

If wishes were fishes, we'd all be kings -- or at least rich.

I wish a LOT of things, mostly just to be comfortable and not have to worry about where the next $310.00 is going to come from to pay our outrageous gas bill. What in the world has happened? Why do we have to pay for things that should be part of our pursuit of happiness, you know, life, liberty, the POH, etc. Where did we go wrong?

When I look around me, I feel a burning need to change things.
I want to make sure that everyone who wants shelter, has it.
Everyone who wants a job, gets it.
And that everyone is fed.

Is this so much to ask?

Our government used to care but now that they have delegated everything to faith-based initiatives, they've withdrawn any safety net that was in place. And the faith-based people think that now that they are receiving government money, they have the right to dictate what the goverment does.

I believe most strongly in the seperation of church and state. And if churches are going to stick their nose into politics, whether it's Catholic bishops denying adherents the right to take communion based on their VOTE, or Evangelicals and other fundies who target politicians because they don't like something they said, then they need to start PAYING TAXES and lose that nice exempt status as a religious organization.

Whenever the church rears its ugly head and begins to become a political entity, trouble is not far behind. Any student of history knows that theocracies are doomed to fail, and Thomas Jefferson knew it better than anyone. When King Charles the First lost his head (literally), and Oliver Cromwell took over England, disaster followed. Jefferson saw what these two men did in the name of religion, and decided that there could be no state religion.

Thus we became a pluralistic society and anyone who tries to change that, no matter how much they CLAIM to love this country, isn't an American.

And nothing they say will make them so...

Thank you...just had to get that off my chest; it's been really bugging me. :-)

Scribes Unlimited

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


With apologies to the Moody Blues, which can still bang out a rousing song when they put their minds to it. I miss them; the last time I saw them was in a Simpsons cartoon called "Viva Las Flanders" (I think), in which Homer takes Ned Flanders to Vegas, in probably one of the funniest episodes of all time, in my opinion.

Paula just came in and said in a perfect Zoidberg (From "Futurama") voice, "Zo, are we ready for an excitinggggg daaaaaay?" Without a doubt, this day is a little nerve-wracking. Final approval of a client's deal is imminent, and with that in hand, all of our liabilities disappear, and we can then begin a whole new phase for our business.

Not to mention we've got people coming in this morning to inspect our basement for water-damage. Yes, the April snowstorm caught all of us unawares, and God knows how much water has seeped into that dungeon. We're afraid to go down there; it's like the cave of no return.

Also have some people dropping off a brand new futon, which is slowly replacing the bed as America's choice of sleeping habitat. This one opens up into a chair, and a recliner, and if you want, a nice loveseat.

So what's in the news today... oh here we go, the Bush Administration was caught doing something wrong and the liberal media over-hyped it. Same old news, different day. :-) Paula is lately accustomed to screaming at the TV whenever a Republican shows his face on it. It's not pretty, folks. Yeah, I'm glad the United States are so "united", aren't you? But we got back at the government in our own subtle way, and we invite others to do likewise. Whenever you're filling out a form, or writing a check, and "United States" is needed anywhere? Just make it "UNTIED States". I guarantee you, nobody will question it. Heck, the IRS didn't. Suckers. :-)

Well, enough political mumbo-jumbo, time to get to work. We'd like to thank a new client who just signed up for possible investor assistance, so thank you, Austin! We hope we can help you!

Also want to pass on word about "Savvy Guide to Digital Photography", making its way into bookstores in just a matter of days now. GO! CONSUME! :-) You'll like it, we promise. It's a great book. Our editors think it's the best yet... Do we smell a NY Times Bestseller? We sure hope so!

Have a great day, and keep those spirits up!

Paula and Paul
The Scribes
Scribes Unlimited

Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday Musings...

Do you ever get that sense of "Gee, I want something to happen, come on, come on, make it happen, pleeeease."?

We're sitting on pins and needles again waiting on a phone call. We're not actually involved in the phone call itself, but our client is. You see, this is our book investee. He's going to speak with a chief investor in the firm today, and we're always a little apprehensive and nervous. It's like a mother bird watching her baby fall out of the nest, and wondering if it'll crash to the ground below or spread its wings and fly.

That's how we treat all of our customers, really. We WANT to see them succeed, no matter what. How much we get paid really isn't the chief issue here. If these people succeed, they help us succeed, and sometimes it's a damned shame not many businesses still believe in this. Let's face it, friends, customer service has gone waaaaaay down all over the country. It's just another way high oil prices are destroying us. Employees grumble because their hours are being cut, which brings about bad manners and attitudes at work, which is a chief result of bad business, which results in cut labor and there you go. As Mufasa would say, it's a circle of life. :-) Albeit (sp?) one we reallllly wish we could break...

Here's a thought for today. When you go out to do some shopping or run an errand, ask the person waiting on you, or showing you an item or whatever, if they've noticed a drop in customer service. Just say it, seriously. We want to know what the responses are; consider this your homework assignment for today. :-)

We hope you'll post your findings... have a great day, and talk again soon! :-)

Paula and Paul
The Scribes
Scribes Unlimited

Friday, April 22, 2005

Friday. 4.22.05. -- Our introduction

Hmm, this is rather exciting, really. We've never owned a blog before so, hi-ho there all you internet people. Welcome to our lives! You'll wish you never knew about us soon, but glad to see you readers along for our ride.

Well, to start with, who the hell are we, and why are we typing to ourselves? We must be mad. On the contrary, we're pretty normal! We're Paula Kalamaras and Paul Kraly, writers, published authors (and yes, there's a difference!), editors, research specialists, mortgage and investment brokers and more! We've owned and operated Scribes Unlimited, LLC for about 10 years together, and though sometimes we have had our ups and downs, we've managed to keep the ship steady on the waves and sailing smooth. Okay, that's a bad metaphor, but we live by a freakin' lake, give us a break here. :-)

Oh, that's right, we live close to Lake Erie, just outside of Cleveland, Ohio, in a nice place called Cleveland Heights, which is actually just like Cleveland except it's higher and we have maybe a million less people. All told, it's boring, pathetic and we both wished we were in California or points way west -- and perhaps very far South.

So let's see, where to begin... Guess that's enough about us right now; let's get into our day so far today.........

Getting up this morning, we both had a bagel with cream cheese, then answered emails and phone calls. (We do that a lot in this business). We're sort of in celebration mode because our book publisher just sent us copies of our new book "Savvy Guide to Digital Photography", and it hits bookstores in another week or so. So naturally we wanted to spend a few hours peddling it to some local bookstores, libraries, etc. If you'd like a sneak peek at it, here's the linky for it: ('tis a bit long)

Or, heck, just go to Amazon and search for the thing. :-P It's there, we promise! :-) It talks all about digital photography, not just cameras, but printers, computers, software, scanners, and editing pictures, and making albums, and setting up your own studio. GO! PURCHASE! :-)

We mentioned that we are also investment brokers; this is probably our favorite aspect of working. Imagine being able to help someone get a couple of million dollars to fund his or her project -- then get a lovely little percentage of the total? Not bad, huh? It's exciting, and if you can get two or three deals closed a month, you'll be a millionaire in a year. No joke. :-) We've got two exciting projects. One is a log home manufacturer which we feel very good about closing a deal on soon, and the other is a football book publisher. Sure, we have to "pick and choose" what we present to our investors, but we've done pretty well for only being in this biz for three months. :-)

Last little note, we've just got done writing two business plans, a marketing plan, and two business valuations in the past MONTH, so of course we're getting a little busier as the year progresses. Business plans are just plain fun, and if you own or run a business, by all means, GET ONE DONE. There's no better gift you can give your business than your knowledge of every facet and interior structure. :-) Seriously, write one.

Guess that's all for now; again we're Paula and Paul, and we'll keep this blog open for our many fans we're sure to have soon, because you're going to just love us. Never mind what we said in the beginning about being sorry to know us. :-)

We'll keep in touch! :-)


Paula and Paul
The Scribes
Scribes Unlimited