Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Monday, May 23, 2005

Did you ever wonder...?

We're both regular posters over on the Yahoo boards, and we especially love to dig into the trenches and partake in the political debates that spawn about as fast as salmon in a stream.

But they're really NOT quite debates these days. It seems to us anyway that whenever we get into a political "discussion" with someone of the Bush camp, it's usually a mixture of intellectual conversation and nonsensical childish banter. Here, we've included an example...

Us: "We don't seem to understand why the Christian right has been able to make its political tirades nonstop without anyone pointing out the severity of the situation when it comes to legalities in the tax system. Clearly a religious organization that enters the political arena and actually denies people Communion, or kicks people out because of their sides, deserves to lose its tax-exempt status and pay like everyone else."

Them: "You need to grow up..."

Us: "Um, we're probably about the same age as a lot of you. What do you mean "grow up"? Surely you're not stating that our view is childish and immature, right?"

Them: "Up yours."

Us: "Brilliant repose. :P That probably took a while for you to formulate, huh? So you're clearly not denying religious organizations that partake in politics should be taxed, correct? Haven't heard you actually come out and debate this yet."

Them: "You're the devil's spawn."

Us: "Okay, now we're questioning your sanity at this point. Honestly, if we were the devil's spawn, we'd have destroyed this world long ago." :-) (Actually, if we WERE the devil's spawn, we'd be a right-wing, evangelical fundamentalist, no matter what the religion, but let's not go there! )

And another example just yesterday:

Us: "Why have we seen all kinds of video and TV footage of two planes smashing into the World Trade Center, and yet we've seen not one shred of viable, clear footage of Flight 77 smashing into the Pentagon? Why was all the video for the impact immediately confiscated from at least ten surveillance areas near the area? Why has the video never been released to the public?"

Them: "Grow up."

What is going on, people of the right-wing? Does it seem much easier for you to stick with the blue pill, to just trumpet "ignorance is bliss!" to the rafters, and calmly look the other way? Perhaps it IS easier. Perhaps knowing the truth would rock your mind completely loose from its moorings and send a great deal of this country into apopletic shock. Bellevue would have a waiting list a year long. Ford and GM would suddenly be contracted to produce a million white vans in a month. Alcoa and DuPont would be rolling out the padding for the cells in record time.

They're afraid. We all are. We're afraid because we just don't know. For millions of years, mankind has feared what it did not know. When the sun first rose off the horizon, surely a bunch of cavemen were scheming how to knock it down with a slingshot.

But you know what, America? We lost that fear, didn't we? We no longer fear the unknown; we embrace it, we explore it, we discover it.

As you're reading this, we hope you're continuing to embrace, explore and discover.

And we hope you're continuing to fight for whatever truth you so firmly believe in...

...The Scribes...


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