Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

And again they do the "newspeak"

President Clinton finally got mad - and Chris Wallace, a Fox News poor imitation of his famous CBS father - was the target. And why did President Clinton get mad? Because once again, the Bush administration, their flunkies at Fox and every other right-wing nut job on the planet, has tried to shift the blame and responsibility from Bush's narrow and weak shoulders and onto the stronger and broader ones that came before him (and that includes Bush-daddy and Ron) for the attacks of 9/11.

We don't know about you, but we remember the poisonous atmosphere the talking heads, the Republican leaders, and the conservative media created over consensual sex - and the quibbling of over the word "is". Sure Mr. Clinton lied about having sex with Monica - what male wouldn't with his wife in the room, but he never prevaricated over the safety of this country. He actually took out several Al Quaeda training camps and went after Bin Laden. What was the response?

The Republicans were too busy worrying about a blow job and not about blowing up our enemies resources. They thought Mr. Clinton was too agressive, they thought he was crying wolf. And now they are saying he was distracted by the Lewinsky. Well they can't have it both ways.

But then again that's the Republican Party for ya. They lust for power, they lie, cheat and steal to keep it and they call anyone who doesn't agree with them traitors. Lovely people. What makes us really sad, is that isn't what the Republicans used to be. The party has been hijacked by ideologues who don't care for the beliefs of the common Republican. And their leaders George Bush and Dick Cheney have proven time and again that they have no understanding of the checks and balances of our country.

To be quite honest, we don't think that they like the United States very much - at least the people of this great land. They certainly showed their callous disregard when it came to Katrina. They were quick to allow all the Bin Laden family to leave after 9/11. They don't believe in a free exchange of ideas - unless they are their own. We guess that they like what American can do for them, and not what they can do for their country.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Practice of Selective Fear...

We've all done this. From one side of the world to the other, we have systematically, meticulously used our knowledge and skills with the help of electricity and our brains to choose our fears. It doesn't matter exactly why we do it, but it's a curious anomaly all the same.

For example, Paul is terrified of spiders; if he sees one in the office, he immediately points it out and expects a helpful shoe or broom to come to his aid. However, just outside our back door sits a very large garden spider, sitting inside a very large spider web, blocking any exit to the outside world from the office. Does he want it killed? He does not. He is not afraid of it, as long as it stays outside. When our pest exterminator came for a routine spray, he begged the poor man to stay away from the creature, saying that since it was in its natural habitat, it should be left alone.

Selective fear. He doesn't fear it if it's not inside the house.

People standing behind our president 100% practice it every day. For instance, they are terrified of a terrorist attack; that some maniac might try to poison our nation's water supply, or ram a large plane into the Sears Tower at high noon, or worse, a nuclear weapon detonated in the middle of Times Square. We can't blame them for being a bit afraid of that, granted.

But these SAME people, these blind, unfeeling people with the temerity to support a leader promising to save them from these threats because they fear them, do NOT even listen to a predominantly-liberal base that warns we are seeing effects of global warming. They laugh at them, scoff them, call them crazy, can't be happening, they say. This is puzzling, because we're talking about the fate of our world here. No terrorist attack is going to mean all that much if we've got another Ice Age beginning, is it? What's the point of sparing the Sears Tower from a 747, if a monstrous wave is going to rise up and nail it anyway? What's the point of sparing New York from a nuclear holocaust, if it's going to be buried in ice soon enough?

Selective fear. Bush supporters would rather fear a terrorist attack than a global climate change, because they think they can control terrorists. They would be sadly mistaken though. You CANNOT stop terrorism; it is the equivalent of stopping drugs, smoking or Keith Richards. It can't be done. Guess what? You can't stop nature either. Bush supporters would probably also choose to fear terrorism because the mostly-liberal base is trying to tell them to show courage, to hold their heads high, to not be so damned paranoid. And what Bush supporter wants to be proven a coward by a lowly liberal?

Selective fear. Bush supporters fear 9/11; they have since the first day Bush stood upon a pile of rubble and declared vengeance. They fear it could happen again and they stand behind Dubya's efforts, no matter how unlawful, immoral and inhumane, to stop it from becoming a cold reality. Yet, if you tell these same people that the Bush Administration could have stopped it the first time, that doesn't seem to scare them. If you point out a growing number of people in this country, 70 million strong, do not believe the official story of September 11th, that as uncanny and unfathomable as it sounds, our government could have somehow been involved in this nightmare...

Well, Bush supporters don't want to hear THAT either. It doesn't seem to frighten them that this government dropped the ball the first time, that they COULD have stopped 9/11. The Commission Report in 2004 proves it, beyond a shadow of doubt. Richard Clarke tearfully said before the board, "Your government failed you." It doesn't seem to concern them that the Bush Administration COULD have indeed played some role in the catastrophe, that their could have been some diabolical method played out like some awful Hollywood film, complete with thermite leaking from the Towers as they collapsed.

Selective fear. Bush supporters choose to fear another 9/11 because they think this time it can be stopped. To think of the alternative, no way. They won't even entertain that notion. Forget the fact that we've lost several liberties and freedoms, nevermind that possibly innocent civilians are right now being tortured somewhere in a foreign country, screw the fact we've lost nearly 3,000 U.S. troops in an unjust war that should never have begun. What matters to them most is the protection of George W. Bush, who like a mother hen placing a wing on her chicks, promises to keep them safe and secure, that there will not be another 9/11 while he's president. And yet, every now and then, usually in those election years or when approval ratings are bleak, that motherly wing comes up and he says, "Well, we're not safe yet."

What a TEASE!

Bush chooses selective fear too. Bush doesn't fear a country that despises him, but he fears a voting base that can make all the difference in November. It doesn't seem to register in his mind just how much the world hates him and fears him. But then, arrogance, stupidity and a desire to make up for 40 years of wasted, drunken life, makes a man blind to anything else around him.

There is a wonderful quote: "People should not be afraid of its government; the government should be afraid of its people." No truer words can be said. We are still the people of the United States of America, who swore by a piece of paper more than 200 years ago to form a more perfect union, establish justice and domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

Americans just aren't doing that if they follow Bush's lead...

And it terrifies us...

Much more than that spider on the ceiling right now...


Monday, September 11, 2006

The ABC can of worms...

Last night, at about 7:59 PM, just before the new Simpsons episode, we took a quick peek at the ABC channel (5 on Time-Warner here) to see if by some miracle, WEWS our Cleveland ABC affiliate, might decide not to air "Path to 9/11".

They did.

Happily, we finagled with the remote control and blocked ABC. Then we blocked Disney and the Family Channel.

And blocked it will stay until November. You see, ABC tipped their hand, and they showed their cards to us. Now we know what side of the table they're truly playing for.

Besides, we can always download "Lost" "desperate Housewives", etc. for our viewing pleasure the next day. Paul just got a bigger hard drive, muahahahaaa, and will be sharing links here of where you can download episodes free. You'll need Azureus or some other torrent client, which you can find at: and then just search for the shows you want by Googling the name and the word "torrent". That's it!

Sorry, ABC. You're way too neoconservative for our tastes. And it's going to cost you a load of viewers, we think.


Do you think ABC just made the costliest mistake of their career?