Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday Musings...

Do you ever get that sense of "Gee, I want something to happen, come on, come on, make it happen, pleeeease."?

We're sitting on pins and needles again waiting on a phone call. We're not actually involved in the phone call itself, but our client is. You see, this is our book investee. He's going to speak with a chief investor in the firm today, and we're always a little apprehensive and nervous. It's like a mother bird watching her baby fall out of the nest, and wondering if it'll crash to the ground below or spread its wings and fly.

That's how we treat all of our customers, really. We WANT to see them succeed, no matter what. How much we get paid really isn't the chief issue here. If these people succeed, they help us succeed, and sometimes it's a damned shame not many businesses still believe in this. Let's face it, friends, customer service has gone waaaaaay down all over the country. It's just another way high oil prices are destroying us. Employees grumble because their hours are being cut, which brings about bad manners and attitudes at work, which is a chief result of bad business, which results in cut labor and there you go. As Mufasa would say, it's a circle of life. :-) Albeit (sp?) one we reallllly wish we could break...

Here's a thought for today. When you go out to do some shopping or run an errand, ask the person waiting on you, or showing you an item or whatever, if they've noticed a drop in customer service. Just say it, seriously. We want to know what the responses are; consider this your homework assignment for today. :-)

We hope you'll post your findings... have a great day, and talk again soon! :-)

Paula and Paul
The Scribes
Scribes Unlimited


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