Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


With apologies to the Moody Blues, which can still bang out a rousing song when they put their minds to it. I miss them; the last time I saw them was in a Simpsons cartoon called "Viva Las Flanders" (I think), in which Homer takes Ned Flanders to Vegas, in probably one of the funniest episodes of all time, in my opinion.

Paula just came in and said in a perfect Zoidberg (From "Futurama") voice, "Zo, are we ready for an excitinggggg daaaaaay?" Without a doubt, this day is a little nerve-wracking. Final approval of a client's deal is imminent, and with that in hand, all of our liabilities disappear, and we can then begin a whole new phase for our business.

Not to mention we've got people coming in this morning to inspect our basement for water-damage. Yes, the April snowstorm caught all of us unawares, and God knows how much water has seeped into that dungeon. We're afraid to go down there; it's like the cave of no return.

Also have some people dropping off a brand new futon, which is slowly replacing the bed as America's choice of sleeping habitat. This one opens up into a chair, and a recliner, and if you want, a nice loveseat.

So what's in the news today... oh here we go, the Bush Administration was caught doing something wrong and the liberal media over-hyped it. Same old news, different day. :-) Paula is lately accustomed to screaming at the TV whenever a Republican shows his face on it. It's not pretty, folks. Yeah, I'm glad the United States are so "united", aren't you? But we got back at the government in our own subtle way, and we invite others to do likewise. Whenever you're filling out a form, or writing a check, and "United States" is needed anywhere? Just make it "UNTIED States". I guarantee you, nobody will question it. Heck, the IRS didn't. Suckers. :-)

Well, enough political mumbo-jumbo, time to get to work. We'd like to thank a new client who just signed up for possible investor assistance, so thank you, Austin! We hope we can help you!

Also want to pass on word about "Savvy Guide to Digital Photography", making its way into bookstores in just a matter of days now. GO! CONSUME! :-) You'll like it, we promise. It's a great book. Our editors think it's the best yet... Do we smell a NY Times Bestseller? We sure hope so!

Have a great day, and keep those spirits up!

Paula and Paul
The Scribes
Scribes Unlimited


Blogger ScribesUnlimited said...

We were rather appalled at some posts made against the investor group we work for, so we went on their EZboard site and did something about it. Read this, it pretty much tells you what WE think.
It's simply impossible for us to understand why in the world people are so hard-pressed to get away without paying some sort of costs that will help improve their chances of funding by allowing researchers, marketers and business professionals to sort out every aspect of a project's business, market, future forecasts, etc.

These people work very hard and very long hours to study all this. Why do you THINK it's called "due diligence"? :-(

How can you people sit there and say this group is some sort of illegal or fraudulent scam? We have written grant proposals for numerous organizations for over a decade, and we are paid $100/hour to do them. That's thousands of dollars that's being given to us UP FRONT to simply write proposals; we never once gave any indication that the grant would be awarded, and every single one of our clients knew it up front. Still they pay us, because we are very good at writing.

Now, if we spend 50 hours on a grant proposal, write it up, add all our notes, charts, facts, figures, case studies, and wrap it all up into an attractive presentation, and our client still doesn't get the grant, does this make us a scam artist?

Of course not. We did WORK. We should be allowed to be PAID for it.

This group is doing WORK for you. You should be willing to PAY for it.

Any of this getting through to anyone?

TANSTAAFL. Remember it. Get it through your heads. If you honestly think you can get several million dollars for almost free, may we direct your attention to the nearest state lottery?

The nerve of some people. :P We're so sorry people have a problem with paying other people for work well worth the effort. Sorry, but we gotta EAT sometimes. :-) We crave food!
Take care!

Paula and Paul
Scribes Unlimited

7:02 PM  

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