Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Wicked Witch of the Right strikes again

What is it with that wicked witch of the right Anne Coulter? How is it that she says such vile and threatening things and gets away with it? She actually said that President Clinton should be impeached or assassinated. Where the hell was the Secret Service? She wanted to have Justice Stevens crème brulee poisoned. She wished Tim McVeigh had blown up the NY Times Building. She refers to 9/11 widows as witches because they don’t kowtow to her rabid political stances. What kind of a person is she?

We are appalled that she has disguised herself as a journalist. Her abuse of the First Amendment is legion. If an ordinary citizen were to make any sort of threatening, remark on the order of Anne Coulter’s that citizen would be in the cross hairs of a Secret Service investigation quicker than you could say George Herbert Walker Bush (that is Bush 41 for those of you counting). She claims she is a conservative and that all the rest of the world, except for right wing Christian conservatives are godless liberals who deserve death and destruction rained upon them. Her brand of conservatism is one of hatemongering and she is not above using that which she hates to push her own agenda. In 1995 she actually said _"(Liberals) are always accusing us of repressing their speech. I say let's do it. Let's repress them. ... Frankly, I'm not a big fan of the First Amendment," in a speech at the University of Florida. She is the one who needs to be repressed and put in prison for her traitorous talk against a former President of the United States. If she were a liberal, she would be hounded by the likes of her lying bastard associate Bill O’Reilly. What a lovely combo they make – two ignorant hatefilled purveyors of misinformation and cruelty disguised as “no spin” and journalist freedom. What awful people!

We live in a city where the council has passed an ordinance on promoting civility. Civility is something that Anne Coulter wouldn’t understand if it bit her in the ass. Civility is the foundation of a just and honorable society – where people treat each other with respect, integrity and understanding. Fundamentalists of any ilk, fanatics and anyone who, like Anne Coulter spew bile on a regular basis just don’t get it. And they never will. We who do understand it, well, we just have to hope that someday in their crème brulee, an ounce of human kindess and intelligence gets mixed in. Then maybe they will learn to understand that progress comes with progressives and that name-calling bile just hurts everyone. Of course, since by their words and actions, Anne Coulter, Bill O'reilly and their kind, prove over and over again that they are godless, they may never get it.


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