WANTED by the FBI: Scanning Manuals
It's true.
Oh come on, don't raise those eyebrows. We all knew the FBI was inept way back in the great year of 2001, before hell was unleased on Earth in the form of Dubya and his minions. We just don't want to keep pointing it out for fear of FBI reprisals late at night while we sleep.
More than 900,000 documents dating mostly back to 1995, of various legal and medical content, are currently being RE-PROCESSED and filed away because of improper scanning procedures. Some of the papers have been scanned upside down, but the majority were scanned on BOTH sides, meaning there are over 300,000 blank pages for NO REASON.
Some pages have multiple documents scanned on top of each other, other documents are crumpled up, the majority are not in order, and most importantly, they did not do anything to delimit where one file starts and the other ends.
Yes, you heard it here first. The Bureau appears to need something other than more weapons and officers -- they need scanning manuals!
Contact your nearest FBI office, and offer yours today!
Oh, and the cost to taxpayers? At least $50,000 WASTED per incident.
Oh come on, don't raise those eyebrows. We all knew the FBI was inept way back in the great year of 2001, before hell was unleased on Earth in the form of Dubya and his minions. We just don't want to keep pointing it out for fear of FBI reprisals late at night while we sleep.
More than 900,000 documents dating mostly back to 1995, of various legal and medical content, are currently being RE-PROCESSED and filed away because of improper scanning procedures. Some of the papers have been scanned upside down, but the majority were scanned on BOTH sides, meaning there are over 300,000 blank pages for NO REASON.
Some pages have multiple documents scanned on top of each other, other documents are crumpled up, the majority are not in order, and most importantly, they did not do anything to delimit where one file starts and the other ends.
Yes, you heard it here first. The Bureau appears to need something other than more weapons and officers -- they need scanning manuals!
Contact your nearest FBI office, and offer yours today!
Oh, and the cost to taxpayers? At least $50,000 WASTED per incident.
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