Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thank you, Barbara

It should always be a reminder to everyone on this world of ours, that if you wish to post controversial issues on a blog, you are going to have to expect your share of people who for some reason or another disagree with your views -- and will, in some form or another, make sure you know it. :-)

We are pleased for people like Barbara, who reminds us all that while we, The Scribes, may have different viewpoints, we are mature enough to not let those viewpoints interfere with the way we do business. This was not the case in an email sent to us.


We do not share the same political or investment philosophy – people like you cause more harm to our soldiers (of which our son is one) and residents of the area than do the insurgents. If Bush would only do what the Democrat President Roosevelt did in WWII, he’d stop media from politicizing this war and at least momentarily control people like you, misled Hollywoodites and so called -democrats. Only historians will analyze the right or wrong of what’s happening in the Middle East. My husband’s family is from Middle East, and know more about what’s going on than you do from you distant, narrow and clouded perspective.


We sent the following reply, which we thought was very mature:


We believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion here; that is what makes this country what it is, and we are free to express them in whatever shape we choose.

We will unsubscribe you from our list, but we frown on your obviously immature, narrow-minded approach in contacting us for the purpose of attack.

It is people like you that make us worry about the future of our nation. Those that believe censorship is the only solution and that everyone should just play the ignorance card and leave it at that.

We both have had cousins in Iraq; if you really want to wager we have no idea of the terrible circumstances surrounding that country, that is a bet you would lose. It is VERY disingenious of you to assume that because you have a son serving in Iraq, that you hold some incredible knowledge of what is going on. We too support our troops and our country; but we don't want to see tham maimed or wounded for an UNJUST cause.

Paula and Paul


First, we should clarify something for Barbara here. Because we have different political views, that in itself seems to be a good enough reason not to deal with us as an investment firm? If everyone dealt with things in that manner, than our economy would REALLY be screwed. Republicans not doing business with Democrats? Preposterous! We can see the signs in the local hardware store in Alabama already. Instead of "No coloreds allowed", we'd see "No liberals allowed".

But it'd be pretty easy to foil that; just wear a nice suit and tie, or come riding up in an SUV, or joke about your golf game. OR you can come in in a regular liberal outfit (God knows what that IS, of course, maybe it's jeans, a t-shirt, you know, casual stuff), and say something funny like, "Hey, I heard Bush is speaking today! I came in to buy an American flag!"

Business is business. Politics is politics. Religion is religion. And never the twain, er, thrain shall meet.

We salute those brave GOPs, liberals and the like who continue to work hard together for the democracy and economy of our nation. Thank goodness we live in a society where just because you voted for someone that someone else doesn't like too much, you can still laugh, and cry and play and work, and have fun together! That's really what God wanted us to do when he made this big bright beautiful world for us. Tolerate and love one another.

Why, we even love George W. Bush... without him, we'd have no idea just how much we take our freedoms and liberties for granted. Like the old Joni Mitchell song says, "You don't know what you got, til it's gone."



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