Karl Rove's comments Re: Downing Street Memo
ROVE: I'm glad you brought that up because I want to put that in context. First of all that is the British — a Brit making a comment about what he perceived to be U.S. policy.
~~First off, this is an individual taking notes of minutes; these are not comments. Does Rove seem to think a man from the United Kingdom is unable to write as well as one from America? Some of the greatest and most popular writers we have ever had came from the UK.
But remember the time frame, it is months and months and months before the balloon goes up in Iraq. And in those intervening months there was plenty of time planning for post-war efforts, vast amounts of planning. You never know exactly how a war is going to plan out.
~~He's completely avoided the question so far about the memos; notice he has NOT denied their existence so far, nor treated them as fakes, as many cons were "hoping".
~~He's already contradicted himself totally; does it seem like American troops were READY for a post-Saddam Iraq? CLEARLY not. And neither, then, was the Bush Administration.
Napoleon once said, 'vast numbers of refugees enormous problems with food aid'- did not happen. Vast uprising- didn't happen. That we would see a vast uprising by hundreds of thousands of Iraqis- didn’t happen.
~~Interesting he's thinking about Napoleon at this point, considered by some to be one of the most shameful and ruthless conquerors in world history. Thinking about world conquering, Rover? Sit boy, Sit!
~~It's happening right now. Over 1,300 Iraqis killed in nearly a MONTH from attacks, and these aren't vast uprisings?? This is worse than Israel and Palestine!
War is ugly, but a lot went very well with this effort and in part it was because the United States government and our coalition partners used the months to plan for any eventuality.
~~Again, referring to the memo saying there was hardly an exit strategy. Again, Rove is lying.
SPEAKER: But if you're talking about the number of troops necessary, the level of American casualties, the force and intensity of the insurgency…did the president mislead the American people about the cost of the war or was he just simply surprised by what happened?
ROVE: I would go back to the president’s statements over the last several years and I would defy you to find one speech which he talked about Iraq where he doesn’t say there would be difficult times ahead, that we had a long road to hope that a great deal of sacrifice was going to be called for by both the American people and by the Iraqis to achieve this goal.
~~We would dare Rove to go back to any of those same speeches and find an instance where Bush says, "We have no choice. We must invade Iraq and take out Saddam."
Look, we do not underestimate the ferocity and the anger and the viciousness of the people that we face. We are in a war. Some people may treat it as a law enforcement matter and be worried about indictments from the U.S. attorney from the southern district of New York. But we recognize this administration and the American people we are in a war and the only way you have a successful outcome in the war is to aim for a complete and total victory, which is exactly what we’re doing.
~~That was all Rove would say. Notice there is nothing really answered here; just a pack of lies.
Earlier on he was asked about the opposition to this needless war, and he says:
ROVE: I’m not certain that I agree with your assumption. You can find a poll and ask any questions you want, but I believe that if you say to the American people, ‘is it in the interest of the United States to see a stable and democratic Iraq arise at the center of the Middle East and should we do whatever is necessary to make that happen?’ that I’m sure Americans would say yes.
~~Yes, Mr. Rove, we need to stay in Iraq, but if we hadn't rushed to war with them, we had some vastly different outcomes possible. Notice he speaks about polls not meaning anything; just as Bush has said countless times.
Rove and Bush both live in fantasy-land!