Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Monday, June 20, 2005

And now, a message to the Republican Right

A brief message to the Knuckledragger wing of the Republican party:
You guys are idiots. Plain freakin' idiots. In fact, we've never seen such a collection of morons in our lives, and that includes the Nixon band of fools! Well, they weren't exactly stupid, they were more arrogant, short-sighted and interested in illegalities. HEY! That's just like our current administration!

When we say idiots and morons, we don't mean people who spend their time walking into walls or sticking their hands into paper shredders.

Bottom line; you guys are wrong. And you're wrong so often and on such a massive scale that science should come up with a new term for your species: homo republican stupidus. Only you guys would think you were being called homosexuals, and you'd go out and kill one another.

Which, when it's all said and done, ISN'T such a BAD IDEA.

The catalyst for this reality-based rant is the Terri Schiavo autopsy. But this isn't about the Schaivos or the ethical and moral questions that arose during that awful episode. It's about looking into the rear-view mirror and seeing that you Bible-thumping heathens and your attack poodles in the media got it all wrong.


Terri wasn't following that balloon with her eyes, Dr. Bill "Fudd" Frist, because she was blind. She didn't say "Mommy," Sean "S**thead" Hannity, because her cognitive abilities were gone. She wasn't strangled, Dr. William "Dick" Hammesfahr, but thanks for proving just how pathetically wrong you "experts" on the rabid right were in this case. You screwed up big-time because you idiots dove into what you thought was a "hot button issue" without a clue what you were doing. You couldn't have been more wrong.

But the Schaivo embarrassment is just one more stinking turd on your Republican "Dungheap of Wrong."

You were all wrong on Iraq. Completely, utterly, insanely wrong on everything. The list has gotten too long to print.

You're wrong on global warming. And now we know you'll resort to doctoring scientific documents to hide your wrongness.

You're wrong on the nation's security because we know that our ports, borders and infrastructure still aren't adequately protected. You're so wrong that we've been at terror threat "Yellow" for 1,206 days now, and at "Blue" or "Green" for zero.

You're wrong on those idiotic tax cuts. They haven't stimulated job growth in the slightest, nor have they helped the middle or lower class. Any idiot could see that, and we're surprised you don't because you are such an extra-special class of idiots.

You're wrong for plunging our country $7.7 trillion into debt. What the HELL were you thinking? Have any of you ever balanced a checkbook in your life?

You're wrong for trying to fool us into thinking that throwing Social Security into the gnashing jaws of Wall Street will solve the (minor) problem we'll face 35 years down the road.

You're so wrong---oh God, how you're just lame-brained here---for ignoring the massive health care crisis in this country. A grade of F- to you for that one!

You're wrong on stem cell research.
You're wrong on "intelligent design."
You're wrong on this crazy missile defense shield.
You're wrong to force a cookie-cutter education "plan" on states without paying for it.
You're wrong to send an abusive s**thead to be our ambassador to the United Nations even though he openly despises it.
You're wrong to embrace a radical, hateful religious faction of your party while---wink, wink---you claim to welcome all religions.

There isn't a duncecap big enough to fit your big fat arrogant heads. There isn't a corner big enough for you to take a time-out in. You guys have been so absolutely, positively wrong about everything that it boggles the reality-based mind. And not just wrong---but willfully wrong.

We just wanted you to know that, you filthy, stinking radical Republican hacks.

Hope we didn't spoil your golf game.



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