Scribes Unlimited

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Bush Lied and People Died! AGAIN!

Bush’s attempt to deflect attention from his ineptitude are inconsistent with the administration's own homeland security response plan, which directed the federal government to act on its own authority to quickly provide assistance and conduct emergency operations following a major catastrophe, pre-empting state and local authorities if necessary. According to DHS' December 2004 National Response Plan (NRP) , "catastrophic events," such as what occurred in New Orleans, call for heightened and "proactive" federal involvement to manage the disaster.

The response plan listed "guiding principles" to govern the response to these major events. The "Guiding Principles for Proactive Federal Response " make clear that, in these "catastrophic" cases, the federal government will operate independently to provide assistance, rather than simply supporting or cajoling state authorities:

· The primary mission is to save lives; protect critical infrastructure, property, and the environment; contain the event; and preserve national security.

· Standard procedures regarding requests for assistance may be expedited or, under extreme circumstances, suspended in the immediate aftermath of an event of catastrophic magnitude.

· Identified Federal response resources will deploy and begin necessary operations as required to commence life-safety activities.

· Notification and full coordination with States will occur, but the coordination process must not delay or impede the rapid deployment and use of critical resources. States are urged to notify and coordinate with local governments regarding a proactive Federal response.

· State and local governments are encouraged to conduct collaborative planning with the Federal Government as a part of "steady-state" preparedness for catastrophic incidents."

The NRP also says that, when responding to a catastrophic incident, the federal government should start emergency operations even in the absence of clear assessment of the situation. "A detailed and credible common operating picture may not be achievable for 24 to 48 hours (or longer) after the incident," the NRP's Catastrophic Annex states. "As a result, response activities must begin without the benefit of a detailed or complete situation and critical needs assessment."

A Sept. 5 Los Angeles Times article quoted former FEMA chief of staff Jane Bullock,0,2650635,full.s tory?coll=la-home-headlines saying that "[t]he moment the president declared a federal disaster [on Aug 29], it became a federal responsibility. ... The federal government took ownership over the response." Moreover, DHS' own website declares that DHS "will assume primary responsibility on March 1st [2005] for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared for any situation. This will entail providing a coordinated, comprehensive federal response to any large-scale crisis and mounting a swift and effective recovery effort."



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