Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005

What IS it about First National Bank of Marin?

People are always so busy worrying about one little number. It's not their golf game, or their chess rating, or their level on some zany Dungeons and Dragons game. But it's such an important number in our lives, America is obsessed with it. If you have a low number, it can keep you from buying the things you need, like a house or a car. It can even prevent you from finding an honest job. Of course, we're talking about credit scores, and we can willingly say both of ours is in the toilet right now. But thanks to a $16,000 oversight, that's probably going to help us out a little bit soon. See? We're determined to get a good credit score. And do you even THINK we're going to sign up for another credit card? In the immortal words of Cartman, "Screw-yoo gays, ahm goin' hem."

This article today isn't necessarily about credit scores, but it makes a great lead-in doesn't it? Actually we want to say a little something about a company called "First National Bank of Marin". Now before you go happily looking these people up, don't bother. According to current records at the Better Business Bureau in Las Vegas, Nevada, where this business originates, there is NO record of a business license recorded for First National Bank of Marin. However, a wide-reaching internet search for this does bring up some surprising lawsuits and settlements.

The BBB was very helpful to us when we called, and the nice woman was more than happy to tell us about the amount of complaints currently against First National Bank of Marin. We did some digging further and came up with some surprising figures.

To begin with, First National Bank of Marin does business as the following "companies":

  • The Bankcard Center
  • Application Processing Center
  • Bank Card Center
  • Bankcard Center
  • Card Center

  • If this isn't confusing enough, look at the address list:

  • P.O. Box 80015, Los Angeles, CA 90080-0015 (their main address)

  • P.O. Box 98872, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8872
  • P.O. Box 98873, Las Vegas, NV 89193
  • 1120 Nye Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
  • 9500 Toledo Way, Irvine, CA 92618-1806
  • P.O. Box 2388, Shingle Springs, CA 95682
  • P.O. Box 25181, Santa Ana, CA 92799-5181
  • P.O. Box 25182, Santa Ana, CA 92799-0040
  • P.O. Box 27550, Santa Ana, CA 92799-7550
  • P.O Box 6160, Novato, CA 94948
  • P.O. Box 7125 Grand Central Station, NY, NY 10163
  • 585 Pilot Road, Las Vegas, NV 89119
  • <>
    This makes us think, "Okay, so exactly WHERE are our payments going? Are they being sent to Irvine or San Rafael or Vegas (and are they being gambled away as we speak?) Where is the processing center?" Yes, we know, several companies do the same thing. Paul remembers getting a phone call originating from Chicago where a tempestuous black woman demanded to know what was happening with payments. She was calling for First National Bank of Marin, but when he tried to get any other information including the proper phone number that should be called, she gave him a toll-free number for more information and hung up. When that number was then dialed, the same woman answered the phone -- and she knew exactly who we were.
    That's funny; they can know who WE are, but for some reason we aren't allowed to know who they are.

    Anyway, we checked BBB's other records and found some other startling tidbits:

    "According to Clark County Business License Department this company has a business license under the name of Marin National Bancorp. Marin National Bancorp is licensed as a holding company. Marin Credit Card Services is a division of First National Bank of Marin. At this time, the Better Business Bureau is unable to ascertain a business license for First National Bank of Marin. If consumers do business with an unlicensed firm, they do so at their own risk."

    There are also 154 open complaints against the company, ranging from harrassment to false advertising, to breaches of contract. In several instances, they demanded money from people who either had already paid (which makes us question those processing procedures more) or never had a card in the first place.

    One other business arises out of Marin National Corp called "Credit Trend" which is now OUT of business. Because they had complaints over a three-year period which were unresolved, THAT doesn't surprise us in the least.

    We're not sure what First National Bank of Marin is all about really. But we did receive a phone call last night and we confronted them with this news, and that we intended to do a lot more digging. The man on the other end of the line didn't know anything about the lack of a business license nor the 154 complaints levied against them.

    He must be new. ;-)

    First National Bank of Marin, whoever you are, we hope you're ready for intense scrutiny because we've got a heck of a hunch something stinks in Las Vegas and it's not the Belagio.



    Blogger ScribesUnlimited said...

    Hey, guess what else these people of First National Bank of Marin do?

    Phone harrassment. They call your home ad nauseum, in some cases up to 10 times in an HOUR. THAT is a violation of law, boys and girl.

    They're really treading on thin ice, aren't they?


    5:46 PM  
    Blogger ScribesUnlimited said...

    And they just continue.

    You know, they're lucky they are not reading this blog, really. :-)

    Got another phone call today, explained that our client, who was paying us regularly, got called to help with Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. They didn't seem to appreciate that.

    "Well, you owe us this money. Don't you have a job?"

    Okay, so we explain to them, that this IS our job, working freelance and waiting for investment deals to close.

    "Well, you still have a phone and electricity so you must be paying something."

    Look, bitch, (although we didn't use the word 'bitch', much as we wanted to. We notice it's always the same annoying black woman too. Somehow a black woman's voice is more intimidating, we don't know.

    So they expect us to do away with electricity and food and phone in order to pay them, apparently.

    What's THAT all about?


    8:53 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good volkswagen dealership post!

    5:36 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thanks for all this new ammo. They just closed my account after three years and their excuse was they did not have a phone number for me...hey same phone # for the past 20 years. Then they charge a closed account fee. Sweet hugh...

    12:03 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If you ever take notice of your credit reports..they don't report to the credit agencies. In three years, First National Bank of Marin has never showed on my credit reports...go figure.

    12:05 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mark Of Marin is on my cridt and I have never had a problem with them in the two years I have been with them. They returned my deposit to me after a year and have been one of the only cards to increase my limit several times. I am very happy with them.

    4:50 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    585 Pilot Rd
    Las Vegas, NV 89119-3619
    (702) 269-1100

    I hope this helps. These bozos have been calling me and then hanging up. The caller ID shows Credit One Bank, 206-415-8829.
    This is a Seattle area code.

    I called the number and got a recording of a lady cussing and saying don't call here no more. It sounded like an older black lady.

    I also called the number at the top and got a recorded message with prompts. None of which would let me speak to a representative!

    10:34 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    wow. I am trying to look up a phone number for FNBM so I can pay a deliquent account. I cant even find a webpage or # for them! This company is redicilous.

    6:34 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    guys, thanks for the warning, I was almost on their hook. you know such things always upset me. and make me think twice before i do some money operations. Good luck to you, guys!

    7:22 AM  

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