Scribes Unlimited

Well, why not? We're a two-person crew of writers, researchers, editors, online publishers, mortgage and investment counselors. Not bad for just two people, hmmm? These are our ramblings and we hope you find them relatively more exciting than our work. No, we're kidding, we LOVE the work! (But we do miss the steady paychecks *wistful sighs* ) Anyway, enjoy and look us up sometime at

Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Letter to my congresswoman...

Captured from another blog, this just really says it all. We have got to stand up as a nation and DO something.

A Letter to my Congresswoman.
Congresswoman Schultz:

The colossal screw-up by all members of this Administration in regards to virtually every aspect of American life has reached -- and passed -- the breaking point. President Bush's incompetence and, worse, lack of care for anyone but those who contributed to his campaign must finally be clear to even the members of the Republican Party. From the meteoric rise in prices across the economy (especially in regards to gas prices -- from nudging over $2.00/gal in mid 2000 to, now, soaring above $3.00/gal in the wake of Katrina), to the offensive handling of countries that have long been staunch allies of the United States of America in regards to the invasions and continuing peacekeeping occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, to the formation and misuse of the Department of Homeland Security, and finally to the gross mishandling and lack of immediate response to the New Orleans situation simply demands a response from the House of Representatives.

President Wm. J. Clinton was impeached on the force of sexual misconduct, an unwillingness to admit to it even under oath, and the force of the media in revealing and exploiting this chink in the armor of an otherwise excellent presidency. President Geo. W. Bush has sent troops to die in a sinking morass of guerilla and terrorist warfare, taking monies away from projects recognized by the Army Corps of Engineers -- men whose only political motivation is to save the lives of the citizens of the United States -- as being critically necessary to the survival of a major U.S. city. Neither the President nor his Administration will focus on the struggle to save lives and dignity in New Orleans. As of the writing of this letter, it has been five days since Hurricane Katrina.

Five days.

Thousands of individuals six blocks from the New Orleans Superdome are dying from lack of food, water, medical care, just the basic necessities of life. Reports of rapes, sometimes of children -- CHILDREN -- are coming out of the Superdome itself. Reporters who have covered wars and disasters have seen better responses from Third World countries; they've seen better responses TO Third World countries FROM the United States. Now, when the President's own citizens need action from a strong, decisive Chief Executive and his Cabinet, what do they receive?

- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice watches a comedy on Broadway, practices her tennis swing, spends several thousands of dollars on new shoes, and has forcibly ejected a citizen who protests her utter lack of care for the events of New Orleans. Shouldn't she be spending 20-hour days in the West Wing, working to alleviate this situation? I'm pretty sure Madeline Albright or Colin Powell would be doing so.

- Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff insists that 'relief efforts are hampered by an inability to transfer resources'. The United States Armed Services transfer resources constantly, and with Governor Kathleen Blanco declaring a state of emergency in Louisiana, the ability to transfer resources expands to every truck, SUV, boat, and aircraft in the state. When pressed on the government's incompetence in a National Public Radio interview, he refuses to even admit that the people in the New Orleans Convention Center need help, calling reports of their desperate plight rumor and hearsay -- even though the reporter on the other line just walked out of the place.

- President Bush himself is slow to decide virtually -anything-. Sure, he cut his vacation short -- left a whole two days early. That, to remind you, was on August 30, Tuesday. Well after Hurricane Katrina's effect and aftereffect were known. Well after sporadic looting had broken out. has a fair number of rants, but plenty of links to news sites that relate, again and again, the mishandling of not only the situation in New Orleans, but the events leading up to it.

Congresswoman Schultz: President Geo. W. Bush disgraces, dishonors, and demeans the Office of the President of the United States of America through gross misuse of the powers of the Office of the President and the criminal neglect of a great many Citizens of the United States of America. As the power granted to the House of Representatives of the Legislative Branch of the United States by Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States of America (specifically: 'The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.'), and as a constituent of the 20th District of Florida, I call upon you as my Representative to move for Impeachment of the President of the United States.

I remain your constituent,
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