Scribes Unlimited

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Location: Cleveland Heights, Ohio, United States

Saturday, October 14, 2006

And the Ohio hypocrisy continues...

Pam Baragona of Dublin, Ohio is in an ad representing Senator Mike DeWine's re-election and giving her full support for him against challenger Sherrod Brown. She speaks the following drivel:

"My brother Rocky died while serving in Iraq. And it makes me sick that Sherrod Brown is not telling you the truth about Sen. DeWine. Sen. De-Wine was there for me and my family when we needed him most. And I’ve never met a man with more integrity or compassion than Mike DeWine. "Congressman Brown, we have a senator who cares about us and tells the truth. His name is Mike DeWine."

Now then, we wish to bring up something else dear Pam said and we quote for the record:

"I live in Columbus Ohio and my brother was killed in Iraq in 2003. He was a commander. In the last election I voted for Bush, but after what the personal effect the war has had on my family, it was my goal to see the president removed.

It was very large controversy to our family. Some were Republican, some were independent, some were Democrats. It divided our family and our lives. E-mails went back and forth all year. The night of the election I stayed up on the telephone with my father counting the counties whose results weren’t in yet. And those unbelievable lines that night of people waiting to vote and giving up and going home.

I stopped believing in the election process and our democracy after that entire year of mudslinging and hypocrisy on both sides. However I do still value the need to vote and the election changed my life. I feel like I let down my brother that night and I feel a need to be a part of the change to create a better system for electing our president. I don’t know how yet, but I know doing nothing will continue the cycle we currently are on." —Pam Baragona, Dublin, OH

Pam, while we deeply regret the loss of your brother, we think you might be harboring ill feelings to the wrong people. Senator DeWine has sided with our idiot-in-chief Dubya Bush 93% of the time. NINETY-THREE PERCENT. He was also in favor of the unjust and stupid war that cost your brother's life.

You seem to really dislike Bush, yet you're going to support a man who supports him??

Can we say "hypocrisy"?




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