Let's talk about one of the most influential commentary people around, Bill O'Reilly. Do you know what happens if you mention the name "Jeremy Glick" to his face these days? You get shoved away and spat with enough profane insults and tirades, you'll wonder if he's taking a cue these days from Dick "Go Fuck Yourself" Cheney.
But when Bill O'Reilly had talk show host veteran Phil Donahue on his show a week or so back, the outcome perhaps wasn't what the Fox News sheep may have expected.
When the stinging subject of the Iraq conflict came into question, and Phil Donahue angrily gave his debate as to why did all these brave young children have to die for deceit, he mentioned offhand that he didn't see many of the congresspeople's kids taking risks, and that not many there at Fox News in fact had sons or daughters over there at all. This led Bill O'Reilly to say that he had a nephew serving over there, and Phil made the briefest of comments that that really wasn't the same thing.
You may as well have said that Bill O'Reilly was sucking Jeff Gannon's balls on Saturdays for the emotional outburst that ensued. Bill got up from his seat, stood toe to toe with Phil, and in no uncertain terms threatened to beat the living daylights out of him, nearly screaming at Phil to shut up, that he didn't know what he was talking about, etc.
We think perhaps Bill O'Reilly is reaching the edge of the plateau. How soon before he really DOES lash out physically at one of his demeaning news programs?
Here's a hint. Mention Jeremy Glick, just in passing. Nothing has set this man off any worse. When this boy talked about how he lost his father in the WTC collapse, and mentioned how we had in the past trained Al-Qaeda ourselves, it was, according to Bill O'Reilly, tantamount to a traitor-like statement. For nearly a YEAR afterwards, Jeremy Glick became the poster boy for the loony liberal left, a traitor to his own country, a diabolical fiend. And when Glick tried to bring a lawsuit against Fox News for all the defamation, his attorney managed to get him to drop the case. How convenient.
After the cameras were off of this particular news program, which is supposed to be so fair, so balanced, so non-partisaned, Bill O'Reilly wouldn't shake Glick's hand, didn't thank him for coming on the show, and didn't feel any regret or remorse for his father. No, all Bill O'Reilly managed to say was, "You need to get out of here before I tear you apart." And when Jeremy Glick tried to stop off in the green room for a coffee, security guards "escorted" him off the property.
Amazing how a year after this exchange, he was still talking about it.
More amazing even that Phil Donahue knows how to punch Bill O'Reilly's buttons.
Funny how that sexual harrassment lawsuit came and went too...
Here's a little message for Bill O'Reilly, if he indeed traverses Google to see what the world is saying about him, paranoid as he is:
We are so looking forward to the day you go over the edge. You are a man with way too many issues in your past, and it is indeed a delight to us to watch you suffer them over and over. You may THINK you have influence over this nation's viewers, but the sad truth is we watch you because Jerry Springer isn't on much these days. ;-)