This is What a Democrat Must Become...
In receiving the survey from the DNC in the mail today, we can whole-heartedly agree that there are some wonderful issues here that we can rally around. This political party must NOT hang its head in shame; there is a way to fight back and gather the majority of this country back into its arms again.
This, then, is what we feel a true Democrat must become...
Our outlook on America must remain positive. Yes, the Bush Administration is running our budgets into the ground and sky-rocketing deficits (because Rumsfeld was once quoted as saying, "Deficits don't matter."); the 109th Republican-controlled Congress is the most arrogant, unethical and corrupt in history; we are in a proverbial quagmire of a sparked civil war in Iraq, and we have lost most of the united respect around the world we once shared.
It is IMPORTANT, first of all, to remain calm. This is not the Doomsday whistle sounding; this isn't the biblical end-times the teachers and preachers like to spew about ad nauseum on any given Sunday. This isn't Judgment Day, or the pre-launch to the coming of the Anti-Christ.
This is POLITICS. This happens now and then, and we as true Americans, need to remember this. No matter what party is sitting on the throne, the kingdom will go through its shares of trials, tribulations and blow-jobs, and not just of a sexual nature. Things HAPPEN. We can't keep dwelling on the past; we're supposed to always look towards the future. The more we bitch and complain about what the right hand is doing, we completely lose track of the left one.
We are concentrating too much effort on a party that is in danger of self-destructing before our very eyes. WHY? Why aren't we concentrating on the Democratic party?
Here are some messages we need to give this country.
Remain positive. Stop trying to look like doomsayers. No one will ever vote in the Democrats if all they can do is tell us how bad things are. We KNOW this. Sing us another song. Instead of saying, "This is what THEY have done." focus on "This is what WE will do." Did you ever play scratch baseball games with kids when you were young? Was the kid who sulked all the time, or was a bad sport about things EVER picked first?
Send a message of PROMISE and not of HOPE. This is what killed Kerry. "Help is on the way," sends the message, "Our country is in terrible trouble, and we need to do something about it." Again, he gave us an example of concentrated efforts on the GOP's screwups. Why couldn't Kerry have chosen a better tagline like, "It is time for change." or "Changes are coming soon." or "America will be united again." Something that tells people "Hey, we don't need HELP. We need CHANGE." Americans are one of the most arrogant people on Earth; the LAST thing we want from anyone is HELP. ;-)
Explain to America what our priorities should be. We're talking about protection and early prevention of terrorism worldwide, WITHOUT resorting to military action, affordable health care for everyone (you'll notice, Bush hasn't really done anything about THAT yet, yet he vehemently said in several debates it was first on his agenda.), new, improved jobs and job services, and better education for every child, with safer, well-equipped schools and better classes. So far, the No Child Left Behind bill has done ONE thing: Allow the military to access high-school and college records and contact the kids for possible recruitment -- behind the parents' backs.
How about this, let's get our scientists and super-smart doctors working together to find cures for major diseases like diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and several forms of cancer, and let's give them the stem cell research that will do this. Forget the fact it's ungodlike, okay? Is it ungodlike if it saves millions of lives each year? And we dare any religious-right zealot to say they WOULDN'T resort to it if it saved their own necks.
We can't privatize Social Security. Period. It's a pipe-dream. It's going to cut 46% of the benefits for the elderly -- and pretty soon those baby-boomers of the 1940s are going to be the MAJORITY of this country. Social Security is in danger of being shut down entirely. Let's talk about ways to re-fund this massive drive, overhaul the administration within it, and start finding ways to cut medicine and hospital costs, and end the huge malpractice suits of millions of dollars for nothing. These collossal savings are going to help the Social Security chest in the long run.
There are so many more changes we can make, but we have got to get organized. A good Democrat doesn't mope about the way things are; they smile when they think about the way things could become. So hear us, Democrats, get your collective asses towards a respectable, definable and moreover a very possible direction and message for this country.
2006 is around the corner, and we have got a wonderful chance to turn it all around.
This, then, is what we feel a true Democrat must become...
Our outlook on America must remain positive. Yes, the Bush Administration is running our budgets into the ground and sky-rocketing deficits (because Rumsfeld was once quoted as saying, "Deficits don't matter."); the 109th Republican-controlled Congress is the most arrogant, unethical and corrupt in history; we are in a proverbial quagmire of a sparked civil war in Iraq, and we have lost most of the united respect around the world we once shared.
It is IMPORTANT, first of all, to remain calm. This is not the Doomsday whistle sounding; this isn't the biblical end-times the teachers and preachers like to spew about ad nauseum on any given Sunday. This isn't Judgment Day, or the pre-launch to the coming of the Anti-Christ.
This is POLITICS. This happens now and then, and we as true Americans, need to remember this. No matter what party is sitting on the throne, the kingdom will go through its shares of trials, tribulations and blow-jobs, and not just of a sexual nature. Things HAPPEN. We can't keep dwelling on the past; we're supposed to always look towards the future. The more we bitch and complain about what the right hand is doing, we completely lose track of the left one.
We are concentrating too much effort on a party that is in danger of self-destructing before our very eyes. WHY? Why aren't we concentrating on the Democratic party?
Here are some messages we need to give this country.
Remain positive. Stop trying to look like doomsayers. No one will ever vote in the Democrats if all they can do is tell us how bad things are. We KNOW this. Sing us another song. Instead of saying, "This is what THEY have done." focus on "This is what WE will do." Did you ever play scratch baseball games with kids when you were young? Was the kid who sulked all the time, or was a bad sport about things EVER picked first?
Send a message of PROMISE and not of HOPE. This is what killed Kerry. "Help is on the way," sends the message, "Our country is in terrible trouble, and we need to do something about it." Again, he gave us an example of concentrated efforts on the GOP's screwups. Why couldn't Kerry have chosen a better tagline like, "It is time for change." or "Changes are coming soon." or "America will be united again." Something that tells people "Hey, we don't need HELP. We need CHANGE." Americans are one of the most arrogant people on Earth; the LAST thing we want from anyone is HELP. ;-)
Explain to America what our priorities should be. We're talking about protection and early prevention of terrorism worldwide, WITHOUT resorting to military action, affordable health care for everyone (you'll notice, Bush hasn't really done anything about THAT yet, yet he vehemently said in several debates it was first on his agenda.), new, improved jobs and job services, and better education for every child, with safer, well-equipped schools and better classes. So far, the No Child Left Behind bill has done ONE thing: Allow the military to access high-school and college records and contact the kids for possible recruitment -- behind the parents' backs.
How about this, let's get our scientists and super-smart doctors working together to find cures for major diseases like diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and several forms of cancer, and let's give them the stem cell research that will do this. Forget the fact it's ungodlike, okay? Is it ungodlike if it saves millions of lives each year? And we dare any religious-right zealot to say they WOULDN'T resort to it if it saved their own necks.
We can't privatize Social Security. Period. It's a pipe-dream. It's going to cut 46% of the benefits for the elderly -- and pretty soon those baby-boomers of the 1940s are going to be the MAJORITY of this country. Social Security is in danger of being shut down entirely. Let's talk about ways to re-fund this massive drive, overhaul the administration within it, and start finding ways to cut medicine and hospital costs, and end the huge malpractice suits of millions of dollars for nothing. These collossal savings are going to help the Social Security chest in the long run.
There are so many more changes we can make, but we have got to get organized. A good Democrat doesn't mope about the way things are; they smile when they think about the way things could become. So hear us, Democrats, get your collective asses towards a respectable, definable and moreover a very possible direction and message for this country.
2006 is around the corner, and we have got a wonderful chance to turn it all around.
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